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Free Netflix anyone?

What a huge money saver this can be.
For those on a T-Mobile qualified subscription ( Tmobile One Family) which is one of the best values in cellular. they are partnering with Netflix starting September 12th.
This can save you up to 120 a year.
You get unlimited data which means you can binge to your heart's delight.
T mobile One plans offer free unlimited data.
the drawback is that it streams in 480p but you can pay for better streams if you want.
A great strategy would be to offset a new Iphone cost that will be announced on September 12th, especially if you are currently a Netflix subscriber. 
you will need to call Tmobile on September 12th to activate the free Netflix bundle.
Tmobile was great for me when I traveled the world as a flight attendant with the free roaming features.
for those being geo-blocked via T-Mobile here is your free solution. Try this free for 7 days
 No credit card required.
I will repost this in 6 days as a reminder.
Pass this on if you find value.

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